DiscoverThe FasterFreedom Show: Change the Way You Think About FreedomDon’t be the Hero w/ Jason Duncan | The FasterFreedom Show | EP. 182
Don’t be the Hero w/ Jason Duncan | The FasterFreedom Show | EP. 182

Don’t be the Hero w/ Jason Duncan | The FasterFreedom Show | EP. 182

Update: 2024-06-01


Jason Duncan, a business coach, speaker, author, and podcaster, joins the Faster Freedom Show to discuss his expertise in helping entrepreneurs achieve freedom and growth. He shares his personal story of building and exiting a successful LED lighting business, highlighting the importance of delegation and time management. Duncan emphasizes the need for entrepreneurs to move beyond the "hero syndrome" and delegate effectively, using his "training wheels to delegation" method as a practical guide. He also introduces his "10 Block Weekly Schedule" for managing focus and maximizing productivity. Duncan further discusses the three tiers of entrepreneurial evolution: owner operator, owner manager, and owner investor, emphasizing the importance of setting a vision, communicating it effectively, and building the asset for long-term success. He concludes by sharing his podcast, website, and social media handles, offering a free resource on the 10 Block Weekly Schedule.


Introduction and Jason's Background

This Chapter introduces Jason Duncan, a business coach, speaker, author, and podcaster, who specializes in helping entrepreneurs achieve freedom and growth. He shares his background, including his experience in pastoral ministry, education, and entrepreneurship. Jason explains how he transitioned from teaching to starting a business and eventually became a full-time coach and speaker.

Jason's Business Journey and Exiting Experience

This Chapter delves into Jason's entrepreneurial journey, focusing on the business he built and exited before becoming a full-time coach. He describes the challenges he faced, including a difficult exit experience that resulted in significant debt. Jason emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes and shares his insights on how to avoid similar situations.

Delegation and Time Management Strategies

This Chapter explores Jason's approach to delegation and time management. He emphasizes the importance of true delegation, which involves assigning tasks, empowering individuals, and entrusting them with responsibility. Jason introduces his "training wheels to delegation" method, a step-by-step process for entrepreneurs to effectively delegate tasks and build a team. He also discusses his "10 Block Weekly Schedule" as a tool for managing focus and maximizing productivity.

Entrepreneurial Evolution and Tier Three Status

This Chapter delves into Jason's concept of entrepreneurial evolution, outlining three tiers: owner operator, owner manager, and owner investor. He explains that most entrepreneurs remain in tier one, while a smaller percentage progress to tier two and an even smaller percentage reach tier three. Jason emphasizes the importance of aiming for tier three, where entrepreneurs become owner investors, focusing on building assets and generating passive income.

Jason's Resources and Plug

This Chapter provides information on how to connect with Jason and access his resources. He highlights his podcast, "The Real Jason Duncan Podcast," his website, and his social media presence. Jason also offers a free resource on the 10 Block Weekly Schedule, including downloadable templates, a guide, an infographic, and a video explanation.

Over Under Game and Impactful Book

This Chapter features a fun game called "Over Under" where Jason, Sam, and Lucas make guesses on various facts. They also discuss the most impactful book Jason has read, which is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Jason shares his insights on the book's principles and how they can be applied to various aspects of life.

Personal Time and Reliving a Day

This Chapter explores how Jason spends his time outside of building his business. He emphasizes the importance of spending time with his wife and shares his hobbies, including motorcycle riding and enjoying cigars. Jason also reflects on a day he would like to relive, choosing the day he met his wife.

Over Under Game Continued

This Chapter continues the "Over Under" game, with Jason, Sam, and Lucas making guesses on various facts, including the number of private jets owned by Walmart, the number of clovers needed to find one with four leaves, and the number of bottles of Coca-Cola sold worldwide per day.

Final Thoughts and Call to Action

This Chapter concludes the episode with Jason's final thoughts and a call to action for listeners. He encourages entrepreneurs to strive for tier two and tier three status in their entrepreneurial journey, emphasizing the benefits of delegation and time management. Jason invites listeners to connect with him through his website and social media channels for further support and guidance.


Jason Duncan

Jason Duncan is a business coach, speaker, author, and podcaster who specializes in helping entrepreneurs achieve freedom and growth. He has a background in pastoral ministry, education, and entrepreneurship. He is known for his expertise in delegation, time management, and entrepreneurial evolution.

Entrepreneurial Evolution

Entrepreneurial Evolution refers to the stages of growth and development that entrepreneurs experience in their business journey. Jason Duncan identifies three tiers: owner operator, owner manager, and owner investor. Each tier represents a different level of involvement and responsibility in the business.


Delegation is the process of assigning tasks, empowering individuals, and entrusting them with responsibility. Jason Duncan emphasizes the importance of true delegation, which goes beyond simply assigning tasks. He outlines a step-by-step method called "training wheels to delegation" to help entrepreneurs effectively delegate.

Time Management

Time Management refers to the strategies and techniques used to effectively utilize time and prioritize tasks. Jason Duncan believes that time management is about managing focus rather than time itself. He introduces his "10 Block Weekly Schedule" as a tool for maximizing productivity and staying focused.

Hero Syndrome

The Hero Syndrome is a mindset that many entrepreneurs adopt, believing they are the only ones who can solve problems and save the day. Jason Duncan emphasizes the need to move beyond this mindset and delegate effectively to build a strong team.

10 Block Weekly Schedule

The 10 Block Weekly Schedule is a time management method developed by Jason Duncan. It involves dividing the week into 10 blocks, two per day for a five-day workweek, and prioritizing tasks based on their importance and the entrepreneur's most productive times.

Tier Three Entrepreneurship

Tier Three Entrepreneurship refers to the stage where entrepreneurs become owner investors, focusing on building assets and generating passive income. They are not actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the business but receive profits from their investments.

Exit Without Exiting

Exit Without Exiting is a concept and methodology developed by Jason Duncan. It refers to the process of building a business that can run with or without the entrepreneur's active involvement, allowing them to achieve freedom and financial security.

Faster Freedom Show

The Faster Freedom Show is a podcast hosted by Sam Primm and Lucas, focusing on entrepreneurship, real estate, and personal growth. The show features interviews with experts and entrepreneurs, sharing insights and strategies for achieving success and freedom.


  • What are the key elements of true delegation, according to Jason Duncan?

    Jason Duncan defines true delegation as a three-part process: assigning a task, empowering the individual to do it, and entrusting them to do it on your behalf. He emphasizes that simply assigning a task without empowering and entrusting is not true delegation.

  • What is the "training wheels to delegation" method, and how does it work?

    The "training wheels to delegation" method is a step-by-step process for entrepreneurs to effectively delegate tasks. It involves making a list of tasks to delegate, choosing one task to delegate for 30 days, checking in with the delegate once a week, praising their efforts, and aiming for 80% of your expectations. This method helps entrepreneurs gradually build trust and confidence in their team members.

  • What is the "10 Block Weekly Schedule", and how can it help entrepreneurs?

    The "10 Block Weekly Schedule" is a time management method that divides the week into 10 blocks, two per day for a five-day workweek. Entrepreneurs prioritize tasks based on their importance and the entrepreneur's most productive times. This method helps entrepreneurs stay focused, maximize productivity, and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • What are the three tiers of entrepreneurial evolution, and what are the key characteristics of each tier?

    Jason Duncan identifies three tiers of entrepreneurial evolution: owner operator, owner manager, and owner investor. Owner operators are actively involved in all aspects of the business, while owner managers delegate tasks but still manage the overall operations. Owner investors focus on building assets and generating passive income, with minimal involvement in day-to-day operations.

  • What are the three key things that entrepreneurs should focus on when transitioning to owner investor status?

    Jason Duncan suggests that entrepreneurs transitioning to owner investor status should focus on three key areas: setting the vision, communicating the vision effectively, and building the asset. He emphasizes that relinquishing control over these areas can lead to negative consequences, as he experienced in his own business.

  • What is the "hero syndrome", and how can entrepreneurs overcome it?

    The "hero syndrome" is a mindset that many entrepreneurs adopt, believing they are the only ones who can solve problems and save the day. To overcome this, entrepreneurs need to delegate effectively, build trust in their team members, and empower them to take ownership of their tasks.

  • What is the most impactful book that Jason Duncan has read, and what are its key takeaways?

    Jason Duncan considers "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill to be the most impactful book he has read. He emphasizes the book's principles of goal setting, positive thinking, and perseverance, which can be applied to various aspects of life.

  • What is Jason Duncan's advice for entrepreneurs who want to achieve freedom and growth in their businesses?

    Jason Duncan encourages entrepreneurs to strive for tier two and tier three status in their entrepreneurial journey. He emphasizes the importance of delegation, time management, and building assets to achieve freedom and financial security. He invites listeners to connect with him for further support and guidance.

Show Notes

Sam and Lucas Meet Jason Duncan, who quit his job as a teacher to pursue financial and time freedom. It wasn’t long before Jason was putting out all the fires and had no freedom at all! He solved this problem and now helps other owners do the same.  Tune in to this insightful episode of the FasterFreedom Show.


Free Training:


Jason’s 10 Block Guide:

In Channel

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Don’t be the Hero w/ Jason Duncan | The FasterFreedom Show | EP. 182

Don’t be the Hero w/ Jason Duncan | The FasterFreedom Show | EP. 182

Sam Primm and Lucas Walls